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Molly with Han Solo frozen in sweet, sweet chocolate. He was eaten just after this review. |
Alright. I know I'm in the minority on this one and I
routinely take crap for it, but here it goes: The Empire Strikes Back is the
weakest of the three original Star Wars movies.
That isn't to say it is bad. I mean, it's still Star
Wars, though decidedly less fun than the other movies.
So before I get flayed, here are my three primary reasons
why it is a weaker movie:
1. Incoherent Story Pacing:
Star Wars had a basic story of rescue the princess and
destroy the Death Star. These were pretty tangible and easy to track for the
plot. Empire separates the characters and builds to separate stories to follow:
A) Train as a Jedi and B) Escape the Empire. On the whole, this wouldn't seem
bad except that jumping back and forth between the two build such different
levels of excitement and theme that is sometimes jarring. Holy shit! It looks
like the end for Han and Leia! Things couldn't possibly get any worse
and--oh... there's Luke doing a handstand with a puppet on his foot who talks
like he is reciting ASL literally talking vaguely mystical. So, it causes
pacing problems with the movie, as opposed to everyone in the first movie
sticking together. And, when they aren't sticking together, they are at least
all trying to achieve different goals of the same objective.
But secondly, this
break and attempt to tell two different stories causes problems with the timing
of the movie. How long does it take to train to be a Jedi? It seems like it
would be a long and arduous training, especially with Yoda's hard on for
teaching patience. So, how long did Luke train with Yoda to get the new powers
that he employed by the end of the movie? My gut would say at least weeks.
However, you have to compare this to the pacing of Han Solo's escape from Hoth.
He left Hoth and immediately went into an asteroid field, to be flushed out and
hide in the Imperial garbage and then flew directly to Bespin where he was
almost immediately betrayed by Lando. Since the Empire was there before Han,
one would think that there would be no real reason to stall Han's capture too
long--just enough for Vader to arrive personally. So by that time frame, I
would say that maybe Han was on the run for a day or two at the most. With this
timing, we have to assume then that Luke's Jedi training lasted less than this
time (since he then needed to rush to Bespin to free his friends). So, Luke
learned a shitload of Jedi powers with probably less than a day's training.
Now, I don't know much about the Force, so maybe the power-learning is rather
front-loaded, but it still seems off to me. So the pacing of the action to
training is awkward and it also makes trying to figure out how much time really
passed just as bad.
Then again, Han's fleeing was hindered by the fact that
he couldn't fly to light speed. So it's possible that travel time was extended
and it took him roughly 10,000 years to fly to Bespin without being able to go
to light speed.
2. Vader Become a Farce:
I know, I know.
All of the fanboys who love Vader love this movie, but for me, this movie
breaks his character even more than removing his mask in the third movie to
find that the menacing evil of the galaxy looks like mashed potatoes. I loved
Vader in the first movie. He was a religious zealot, but he was properly
leashed in a military structure. Grand Moff Tarkin kept him in check and
stopped him from making too much of an ass of himself. I -loved- that dynamic.
I mean, really, think about the scene from Star Wars when they are discussing
the completion of the Death Star and how militarily obsolete Vader's views
really are:
Admiral Motti: Any attack made by the Rebels against this
station would be a useless gesture, no matter what technical data they have
obtained. This station is now the ultimate power in the universe! I suggest we
use it!
Darth Vader: Don't be too proud of this technological
terror you've constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant
next to the potential of the Force.
Admiral Motti: Don't try to frighten us with your
sorcerous ways, Lord Vader. Your sad devotion to that ancient Jedi religion has
not helped you conjure up the stolen data tapes, or given you enough
clairvoyance to find the rebels' hidden fortress...
Darth Vader: (starts Force Choking the shit out of him) I
find your lack of faith disturbing.
Grand Moff Tarkin: Enough of this! Vader, release him!
Darth Vader: (releases him) As you wish.
What this scene illustrates is that Vader is a religious
zealot, but is still under the command of the military structure. And I love
this scene. Not because Vader uses cool Force Choke powers, but rather because
it shows how he is archaic and out of place in this structure. Not to bash
religion, but really, think about a real-world equivalent of this scene:
(sitting on an Aircraft Carrier in the Gulf)
Admiral: With us positioned out here, we can use the
aircraft to control the air space and control the sea of our less
technologically advanced enemies, giving us full control and power over this
sea zone.
Naval Chaplain Who Has Somehow Found His Way Into the
Meeting: Yes, but the power of this aircraft carrier pales in comparison to the
power of Christ.
(sighs and eye rolls from around the command room)
Admiral: (speaking diplomatically) Yes. That may be true,
however, it is not really applicable in this situation. Now, if you don't mind,
we really need to get back to planning the strategic assault and conquest of
the enemy ports.
I mean, really, Grand Moff Tarkin was right to call Vader
down and stop him. And Admiral Motti was right to make fun of Vader. I mean,
yes, the Dark Side of the Force is really powerful. I'm sure Vader could have
transported down to Alderaan and Force Choked the entire planet's population to
death. However, it would be a rather time consuming endeavor. Just blowing up
the planet with the Death Star really was the much more efficient path to take.
Though, I suppose, hearing that Vader went and spent 6 months on Alderaan
personally Force Choking every single inhabitant of that planet would also be
rather intimidating to the rest of the galaxy. But more in the religious zealot
way rather than the military might way.
But anyhow, Vader didn't have a leash in this movie. So
he's constantly strangling people and making immediate promotions. It just
became farcical. I preferred him as mystical and powerful, but at odds with a
military structure. Now, he's just killing admirals who forget to say please
and thank you. And really, this illustrates the idiocy of the officers in the
Empire. The best position to have is the one just below the current General.
Invariably, he'd fuck up and Vader would choke and kill him and immediately
promote you. Your next move? Resign your commission and get your pension at General
pay level and sit nice and pretty on some Outer Rim planet.
3. No Love for Blondie:
This is a personal, but very real beef of mine. Growing
up with nearly albino-white blond head of hair, it became a signature trait of
my childhood. So, whenever we would play games with a group of kids, I'd become
the defacto blond character. Do you know how much it sucked playing Super
Friends with your friends and having to ALWAYS be Aquaman? Do you know how
terribly limited children's school yard imaginations are to create problems
that also involved, at the very least, a nearby lake? So, when we got to play
Star Wars, it was fine being the blondie. I got to play Luke. Sure, others
rushed and argued over who was Han. But I had a blaster AND a lightsaber. And, if
a girl was playing with us and got the be Leia, then Luke got the girl.
But that changed with Empire. Now the gaggle of Han Solos
would get to smooch the girl on the playground. As consolation, if there was a
really young or really short kid playing, he'd get to be my Yoda. But that was
hardly any consolation.
Now, none of this is to say that Empire is a bad movie.
But it is also an incomplete one. Star Wars had a beginning, middle and end.
Return of the Jedi had a beginning, middle and end. Empire just felt like middle
throughout. There was no overarching story that covered a grand scale and it
just feels a little flat.
What I did like about Empire, however, is that characters
continued to develop. Luke and Leia both come a bit more into themselves during
their journey. Han remains static, however, and Vader develops, but, as I
mentioned, is almost farcical now as a character.
But the absolute best part of Empire Strikes Back? The
fact that it lends us the best worst nerdy joke ever:
How warm is it inside of a Tauntaun?
Luke warm.
Molly: (As usual, Molly is
sitting next to me at my computer as I type this. Because of her age, her
review will be in Q&A form. I'll transcribe it and reformat it when we are
Chuckie: So, what did you think about
The Empire Strikes Back?
Molly: I liked it.
Chuckie: What did you like about it?
Molly: Um, the last part where the guy
was still alive even though they chopped off his arm. When they were in the
Chuckie: What guy was still alive?
Molly: Lucas.
Chuckie: Who chopped off his hand?
Molly: Dark Vader.
Chuckie: Why were they fighting?
Molly: Since they were on other teams.
Chuckie: So, did Dark Vader tell Lucas
anything important while they were fighting?
Molly: Yes. That he was actually his
Chuckie: Do you believe him?
Molly: Well, kind of. But maybe
actually Dark Vader's a good guy and I just don't know.
Chuckie: Don't you think that a father
can be bad and a son can be good?
Molly: Well, no.
Chuckie: Why not?
Molly: Well, I just don't think it.
Chuckie: Does that mean if I was bad,
you'd have to be bad too because your my kid?
Molly: (shakes her head)
Chuckie: Why not?
Molly: Since I don't want to be bad.
And other people might be good. And since I was bad, I might be mean to you.
Chuckie: Then don't you think that
maybe Lucas is good even though his father is bad? They can be different?
Molly: Kind of, but then they won't like each other.
Chuckie: Fair enough. Alright, so tell
me about the movie. What was it about?
Molly: Um, all the star wars.
Chuckie: Wait. What? Can you be more
Molly: Well, on the ice cold planet an
ice bear tried to eat Lucas. And he used that thingy to try to grab it.
Chuckie: Wait. Thingy? You mean the
Molly: Yes. He used the force field.
Chuckie: Okay. Then after he got his
light saber, what did he do?
Molly: He got out and saved himself.
Then he went to see that little guy.
Chuckie: Little guy?
Molly: Yoda something. They didn't
tell us his last name.
Chuckie: Why did he go and see Yoda?
Molly: He went to learn how to be a
Chuckie: A master of what?
Molly: The force field.
Chuckie: Okay, but meanwhile, what was
Han Solo and Princess Leia doing?
Molly: They went to a city in the
clouds where Dark Vader was waiting for them.
Chuckie: What happened then?
Molly: He trapped Han Solo and put him
in the sand box thingy so that he'd be in there forever.
Chuckie: Alright, so tell me a little
about the characters in this movie. Tell me what happened during Lucas
Skywalker's character arc in this movie?
Molly: He changed.
Chuckie: Wow. Good answer. How did he
Molly: Um, since he started with two
hands and ended up with one.
Chuckie: (laughs)
Molly: (interrupts)
But he got a robot hand at the end, so even though he had two hands at the end
of the movie, his character was still changed.
Chuckie: Good point. Tell me about the
other characters.
Molly: Well, there's Princess Leia.
She's a princess of the galaxy.
Chuckie: Did her character change or
Molly: Well, she kissed a lot of guys
in the movie. But she told Han Solo that
she loved him right before he got frozen in the sandbox. But she kissed Lucas
before that, so I think she was just confused.
Chuckie: So, by the end of the movie,
she wasn't confused anymore and knew who she liked.
Molly: Yeah. She liked Han Solo.
Chuckie: What did you think of Dark
Vader in this movie?
Molly: He was mean.
Chuckie: Do you think that they
overplayed his character without having reigns on him and essentially made him
into a cartoonish characterization that is a bit over the top instead of
keeping him a darkly mysterious figure who plays his vast power closer to his
Molly: I have no idea what you just
Chuckie: Alright, which did you like
better, Star Wars or The Empire Strikes Back?
Molly: Star Wars. I loved that movie.
Especially where they yelled "Utini!"
Chuckie: So, what didn't you like
about Empire Strikes Back?
Molly: Hm. That he chopped off his
Chuckie: When we were watching the
movie, you told me that Dark Vader
chopping off Lucas's hand was a dumb idea. Why did you think it was a bad move?
Molly: Because when you chop something
with a light saber, it becomes more powerful, like Ben.
Chuckie: I'm not sure if that's
exactly how that works.
Molly: Well, you still shouldn't be
chopping off people's hands. It's rude, especially because it's his own kid.
But, Daddy, I don't think that he wanted to. I think that he had a master who
told him to do it but he didn't want to, but he had to follow his rules.
Chuckie: Wow. Very astute.
Molly: What does stoot mean?
Chuckie: It means you were very clever
in thinking that Dark Vader was following a master's orders.
Molly: Oh.
Chuckie: So, how would you rate the
Molly: With stars and suns.
Chuckie: Okay, how many stars would
you give the movie?
Molly: Fifty million.
Chuckie: Out of how many?
Molly: Out of one star.
Chuckie: So, the movie is fifty
million times better than the absolute best?
Molly: I think so. And suns, Daddy.
Chuckie: Alright, so how many suns
would you give the movie?
Molly: Thirty five and a hundred and
forty five.
Chuckie: Out of how many?
Molly: Out of two.
Chuckie: So, who do you think would
like this movie?
Molly: Wait! How about the moons.
Chuckie: Sorry. How many moons would
you give this movie?
Molly: Forty five and fifty hundred
and forty five and a hundred more.
Chuckie: Okay. Out of how many?
Molly: Hm. Out of X.
Chuckie: "X"?
Molly: Yes.
Chuckie: As in a variable
Molly: What's a variable mean?
Chuckie: It means that it can
potentially be any number, but is often solvable to a single number, set or
Molly: What's a range mean?
Chuckie: It is a span of numbers that
it can be within.
Molly: Yes. That's what I meant.
Chuckie: So, who do you think would
like this movie?
Molly: Um, most of all, I think Edison
and Pop Pop.
Chuckie: Why do you think they'd like
Molly: I think she's grown up enough
to really enjoy it.
Chuckie: Who was your favorite
character in the movie?
Molly: Princess Leia.
Chuckie: Why?
Molly: Since she's a girl and she's a
Chuckie: So, do you think that
grownups or kids would like this movie more?
Molly: Grownups. Well, I think because
Pop Pop likes it and I just think that. I think more grownups would like it.
Chuckie: Alright. Is there anything
else that you wanted to say about The Empire Strikes Back?
Molly: It was a sad ending because he
cut off his arm and that was his dad that did that to him.
So, that's our review. Molly liked the move, but not as
much as Star Wars. She was also a lot more distracted during this movie. The
pacing really is a lot slower than the others, especially for a kid. While
Molly chatted up every possibly theory as we watched the first one, she was
looking for distractions during this one.
Of course, I like it, but it is my least favorite of the
original trilogy. That isn't really a bad thing though when you consider the relativity
of it all though. It's like saying that oral sex is my least favorite sex out
of the three options. Although it gets the "least favorite" title,
I'm still a big fan.
Molly thinks that it was still a good movie. She gives it
fifty million stars out of one star, thirty five and a hundred and forty five
suns out of two and forty five and fifty hundred and forty five and a hundred
more moons out of X. You can solve for X at your leisure. Hopefully in the next
couple of weeks, we'll have a good chance to sit and enjoy Return of the Jedi.
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