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"Respect women." Words to live by if you don't want to get punched in the face by fat Italian Spiderman. |
Alright, so we're doing something a little different for
this review. Molly went to see "The Amazing Spiderman" without me, so
I have no clue what the movie was like... well, other than all of the previews
and trailers that gave away the entire story and plot. I'll be relying on her
for the details.
But since I can't really review The Amazing Spiderman
(actually, I can: It stinks. There was no need for a reboot other than for
Universal to hold the property rights of the Spiderman license, so the movie
really is nothing but a soulless movie cashgrab to hold a valuable property), I
have instead to review something else. I will stay on theme and do a short
review of "The Italian Spiderman".
Holy fuck! If you have not seen the Italian Spiderman,
watch it. I will provide the links. It blows away any adaptation of Spiderman I
have ever seen. Seriously. The Italian Spiderman is a chauvinistic, womanizing
fat man who doesn't so much shoot people with webs as he does shoot them in the
face with a shotgun. I will provide a couple of links, but it is definitely
worth watching.
Molly: (As usual, Molly is
sitting next to me as I type this. Because of her age, her portion of the
review will be in Q&A form. I will transcribe what we say and format it
Chuckie: So, what did you think of the
Amazing Spiderman?
Molly: That most stuff didn't pop out.
Chuckie: Did you see it in 3-D?
Molly: Yes.
Chuckie: Did you wear your glasses
during the movie?
Molly: Yeah.
Chuckie: Through the whole thing?
Molly: Well, I took them off a couple
of times. During the scary parts. Because one part a guy was turning into a
scary monster.
Chuckie: Well, that might explain why
things didn't pop out.
Molly: Yeah, but it looked like a
monster trying to eat me.
Chuckie: Okay, but anyhow, did you
like the movie?
Molly: Yes.
Chuckie: Now, I didn't see it. So can
you tell me what happened in it?
Molly: Okay. (A very long
Chuckie: Um. Now?
Molly: First it started at
commercials, like aways.
Chuckie: You mean movie previews?
Molly: Yeah. And, Daddy, I have a
Chuckie: Sure, Sweetie.
Molly: Why does the commercial always
say "Buy your tickets on Fangdango."?
Chuckie: Well, my guess is that by
ordering your tickets online ahead of time, the movie theaters have less of a crowd
at the box office and therefore can hire fewer people. Also, the movie
companies are happy because it gives preliminary numbers for their movies and
the money goes to them even if the people end up not making it.
Molly: I like puppet puppy in the commercial.
It's pink.
Chuckie: Okay, back to the movie. What
happened after the commercials?
Molly: The movie started to start.
Chuckie: Okay...
Molly: I saw Spiderman and he wanted
to hang out with a girl.
Chuckie: Was this before he was
Spiderman and had the costume?
Molly: No. It wasn't Spiderman just
like then. After his dad died, he started to be Spiderman. But he didn't have
the black eye things. The next day he made them.
Chuckie: Okay. So, how did his dad
Molly: Since there was like a bad guy
who had like... he gave him a soda and he killed his dad and he had a star on
him. And that's when he started to become Spiderman. Wait, not his dad. It was
his uncle. That's why I got confused. Because his uncle lived with him.
Chuckie: So, wait. The bad guy had a
star on him or a scar?
Molly: STAR.
Chuckie: What kind of star?
Molly: I don't know. I can't remember.
Chuckie: What it a yellow star?
Molly: No.
Chuckie: That's good. Daddy would have
been really confused if a Holocaust Jew killed Uncle Ben.
Molly: No, it was a Captain America
star. Like you make a triangle with two lines like that. It wasn't colored in.
But there was a black outline to draw it.
Chuckie: So he gave him a soda then
killed him?
Molly: No. His dad. He gave Spiderman
the soda. And he killed his grandpa. No dad. No uncle. I keep getting confused.
Chuckie: Okay. Why did he kill him
Molly: I don't know. Since's he a bad
guy and a car keeper.
Chuckie: Car Keeper?
Molly: Like he steals cars. Like he's
a bad guy.
Chuckie: Okay. So, after his uncle
dies, then Peter Parker decides to be Spiderman?
Molly: Yes.
Chuckie: What did Spiderman do?
Molly: Saved people's lives. Shoot
webs so people couldn't die. Because cars were going to fall and he shooted his
web. And do you want to know why that happened? Because his teacher turned into
a lizard. A giant lizard. I am not making this stuff up, Daddy.
Chuckie: Really?
Molly: Yeah. He used a kind of liquid.
A science liquid. He was a scientist. A bad, bad scientist. Ask Grammy if you
don't believe me. Or Mason. Besides, I was there and you weren't.
Chuckie: Okay, fine. So, what was the
scientist lizard trying to do?
Molly: Trying to destroy Peter Parker.
Chuckie: Why?
Molly: I don't know. I guess being a
lizard messed with his mind. But I think he was secretly bad before he turned
into a lizard.
Chuckie: So, you said that Spiderman
was trying to hang out with a girl, right?
Molly: Yes.
Chuckie: Who was the girl?
Molly: I don't know. She had blonde
hair and a ponytail. I don't know her name though.
Chuckie: Gwen?
Molly: Yeah! How do you know, Daddy?
Chuckie: Daddy used to read a lot of
Spiderman comic books.
Molly: Can you give one to me?
Chuckie: I don't have them anymore,
but maybe we can get a few for you.
Molly: Yay!
Chuckie: Anyhow, did Gwen find out
that Peter Parker was really Spiderman in the movie?
Molly: Yeah.
Chuckie: How did she react?
Molly: She was fine with it. But she
was a little bit worried because her dad was a cop and he wanted to kill
Chuckie: Why did her dad want to kill
Molly: I don't know. Maybe because
they thought he was being bad sometimes. But the police weren't doing their job
and Spiderman was and he was mad. Spiderman shot a guy with web and I laughed
because the police should have put handcuffs on him instead.
Chuckie: Okay. Wow. I think you
probably got the relationships in the movie right. But what happened in the
movie? What was the plot?
Molly: Plot? Can I talk about cots
Chuckie: Uh.
Molly: A cot is something that you
sleep on at school. Not your big school, but your little school. For naps when
you aren't a schoolager.
Chuckie: Okay. Can we talk about the
plot though?
Molly: COT!
Chuckie: Alright, fine. So, what
happened to the lizard scientist at the end of the movie?
Molly: He turned back into a human.
Chuckie: How?
IMolly: don't know! There's a crazy
liquid. Another science liquid, I guess. He's all about science. Oh, and the
cop who tried to kill Spiderman died. He tried to save Spiderman, but he died.
And people can change feelings in a movie. Don't ask me why, but they can.
Chuckie: Did the cop find out that
Spiderman was Peter Parker?
Molly: Yeah. I think so. Maybe he took
his mask off, or maybe he didn't. Maybe he did it when he wasn't on the movie
screen and they were showing other stuff.
Chuckie: Well, that would be an
important plot point to miss.
Molly: Cot point.
Chuckie: Fine. Anyhow, how would you
rate the movie?
Molly: Good. Oh! Wait! Stars! Twenty
four stars! "Out of how many?" you say.
Chuckie: Yeah. Out of how many?
Molly: I would've gaven it three. And
moons. But nothing else today. Just stars and moons.
Chuckie: Alright. How many moons do
you give it?
Molly: Um. Seven.
Chuckie: Out of how many?
Molly: Out of Clown Vercury?
Chuckie: Clown Vercury?
Molly: Clown Vercury.
Chuckie: What is Vercury?
Molly: It's Vercruy.
Chuckie: Clown Vercury?
Molly: Yes, like the planet. Clown
Chuckie: Mercury?
Molly: Oh! Yes. Mercury. Out of Clown
Chuckie: What the hell is Clown
Molly: I just thought of a Clown on
Chuckie: So, seven moons out of Clown
Molly: Mm-hm.
Chuckie: So, who do you think would
like this movie, Pixie?
Molly: Um. I know that Mason will
because he likes Spiderman.
Chuckie: Well, he went with you to see
it, Sweetie. Did he like it?
Molly: Yeah, I think so. But he
doesn't review movies.
Chuckie: Did he seem to like it?
Molly: I think.
Chuckie: Who else would like the
Molly: Grammy and Pappy.
Chuckie: They went too. I meant what
kind of people who haven't seen it yet. You know what, never mind, do you think
I would like the movie, Sweetie?
Molly: Yes.
Chuckie: Why?
Molly: Since I think you like
Spiderman. And boys would usually like it.
Chuckie: But what do you think I would
like most about the movie?
Molly: That Spiderman saved a little
Chuckie: Do you think Mommy would like
the movie?
Molly: Yeah.
Chuckie: Why?
Molly: Um, I think because you guys
like superheroes. Like you like Captain America and Mommy likes Thor. And I
thought maybe you guys could do a little mix up with the superheroes you liked.
Chuckie: Fair enough. What do you
think Mommy would like most about the movie?
Molly: Um. That if she rented the
movie, she could like it in three ways. She could have Spiderman and Thor on
the same team. Or she could have Spiderman and Thor fight each other. Or should
could have Spiderman have Thor's hammer.
Chuckie: Um. You know if you rent a
movie, you can't change the story and plot like that though.
Molly: No. If you have a movie screen
like Pop Pop has, you can do whatever you want on the movie. He makes the
popcorn though. But Mommy could borrow his movie screen and do whatever she
wanted on it.
Chuckie: No. Rented movies don't work
like that. We couldn't take our movie of the Little Mermaid and put it on Pop
Pop's movie screen and make her go into space.
Molly: Why would anybody want to do
that? Make a mermaid go into outer space? That makes no sense.
Chuckie: That's irrelevant. The point
is that you can't change it.
Molly: How about if nobody is on your
team and nobody noticed. Like if you put it on a movie screen and nobody saw
it. Then you wouldn't know what was happening on it and maybe it was like that.
Chuckie: Schrödinger's movie?
Molly: No, like two years ago.
Chuckie: What?
Molly: Like, you could... I nobody is
working with you and you said that the movie was in the theaters and you were
actually lying and then he said that was two years and they think that and they
never saw it, so then, you'd just get away with it. And that's what I'm doing
with Mommy's part.
Chuckie: I have no idea what you mean.
Do you mean lie about the movie and say something happened, but didn't?
Molly: Yes. And then you could just
get away with it.
Chuckie: So Mommy would like the movie
if we told her that Spiderman and Thor were in it together?
Molly: Yes.
Chuckie: But then she couldn't ever
see it or else she'll know we made it up.
Molly: But let's see if I can get away
with that.
Chuckie: Alright. Anything else you'd
like to say about the movie, Pixie?
Molly: Even though I gave it Clown
Planet Mercury, it still wasn't in the show. So don't think that Clown Planet
Mercury will be in it if you see it.
So, that's our review. I haven't seen it, but I can
easily guess at the formulaic cash grab that is presented. I'm sure it's mildly
entertaining in a popcorn movie kind of way, but probably nothing in the way of
depth of "The Italian Spiderman". Molly liked it and remembered the
plot a week after seeing it. If anything, I think this shows how simplistic the
movie is since usually I have trouble having her remember stuff the day after
seeing a movie.
I would give "The Amazing Spiderman" more
credit if part way through the movie, they rebooted it and started the origin
over again and replaced all of the actors without explanation. However, I
didn't see it, so I don't know if that actually happened. So, instead, watch
The Italian Spiderman.
Molly gives it twenty four out of three stars and seven
moons out of Clown Mercury which is, actually, just a clown on Mercury. I think
she also hits a very solid point with her comments on whether or not her mother
would like the movie: If you don't see it and instead just pretend stuff that
you like is in it, you will probably like the movie a lot better than if you
saw it. I think this is probably the most true of a review she has ever
written. Except the Clown Mercury part because what the fuck?
And for those interested, here is a link to the first episode of the Italian Spiderman. It is worth watching and you can follow the links through youtube for the rest of the episodes:
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